Top 10 Best Motivational Quotes In Hindi (2019) | QuoteswSmile

Motivational Quotes In Hindi may be a wealthy tradition of Motivation and has many various forms. 

Today, Motivational Quotes is a crucial part of the cultures of India.

Motivational Quotes In Hindi

What are Motivational Quotes In Hindi?

A smile is something you can hide from all your grief, pain and emotions. First people who are close to you and the others whom you love. 

Since there is always a time in your life when you can not share your pain and emotions with anyone.

A smile is the only thing you can be happy with Your family, friends and with your love.

No matter how bad it has happened with you or how much grief, pain and emotions are inside you 

if you have a smile on your face you are always motivated

The people who are close to you are also fat mix and they will think that how you are always so happy and so fat.

if you are always so fat and smiling, so many people around you always stay positive.

Best Motivational Quotes in Hindi

Motivational Quotes In Hindi

Smile, as a result of It, Confuses folks. Smile, as a result of It, 's Easier Than Explaining what's Killing You within.
मुस्कुराओ, क्योंकि यह लोगों को भ्रमित करता है.मुस्कुराओ, क्योंकि यह समझाने से आसान है कि आपको अंदर क्या मार रहा है।
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
Nobody panics when things go “according to plan”. Even if the plan is horrifying!
कोई भी आतंक नहीं होगा जब चीजें “ योजना के ”अनुसार होती हैं, भले ही योजना भयानक है! 
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 I believe that whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger.
मेरा मानना है कि जो कुछ भी तुम्हें मार नहीं सकता है, बस आपको अजनबी बनाता है
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 If All Men Are The Same Why Do Women Take So Long Time To Choose One?
अगर सभी पुरुष एक जैसा समान हैं, तो महिलाओं को इतना समय क्यों लेते हैं? एक चुनने के लिए.
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
Life fucks everyone but, be ready for your turn
जिंदगी हर किसी की लेती है, लेकिन अपनी बारी के लिए तैयार रहें
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 The past is on your brain, but the future is on your hand.
अतीत आपके दिमाग पर है, लेकिन भविष्य आपके हाथ में है

Motivational Quotes In Hindi, Life Pleasure 

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Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 The greatest pleasure in life is doing what folks say you cannot do.
जीवन में बो काम करने में सबसे बड़ी खुशी मिलती है, जो लोग कहते हैं कि आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते।
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 When your time is good then your mistake is taken as a joke, but your time is bad then eve your jokes are not as a mistake...
जब आपका समय अच्छा है तो आपकी गलती को मजाक के रूप में लिया जाता है, लेकिन आपका समय खराब है, तो आपके चुटकुले को गलती के रूप में देखा जाता है…
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 Not everybody deserves to understand the real you, allow them to criticize who they think assume you're.
हर कोई आपको असली पता करने के योग्य नहीं है, उन्हें आलोचना करने दें कि बो कौन हैं, आप कौन हैं।
Motivational Quotes In Hindi
 Don't worry the enemy who attacks you, worry the pretend friend who hugs you.
उस दुश्मन से कभी मत डरना जो आप पर हमला करते हैं,
उस नकली दोस्त से डरो जो आपको गले लगाते हैं

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